At Mayespark Primary School, we recognise the importance of science in every aspect of daily life. As a core subject, we give the teaching and learning of science the prominence it requires.

Pupil Voice
We learn lots about different things! We have to go on walks and look at trees and listen to the sounds of spring. We’ve taken a flower apart and looked at it with magnifying glasses. We got to notice the nectar in the middle and find the pollen. It’s exciting and fun!
Yashvi, Class Jeffers, Year 1
I like the experiments and I get to go to STEM. I really like that we get to do fun activities and it makes me try harder. In STEM club we got to build a tower, it was really challenging but ours was the most stable.
Ayan, Class Tagore, Year 2
We do fun stuff, like experiments! We made our own fossils as homework. We got to go into Billy’s garden and look at all the different habitats. We’re always doing something so it’s more fun than normal learning.
Liyaanah, Class Coleman, Year 3
I like the experiments we do in chemistry and biology. I like how we do building and testing and making. We get to learn how the world works. Electricity had been my favourite thing so far because we get to actually use proper scientific equipment.
Sangat, Class Kalam, Year 4
I like the experiments. I like that it has interesting topics like chemical reactions and forces. We get to do experiments in most lessons and sometimes we get out of the classroom. It’s a lot more exciting to do learning that includes doing things and getting outside.
Kyra, Class Hadid, Year 5
It’s really interesting, it’s new and different. I liked the different stuff you can discover. We get to learn about things that are going on in the world like climate change. We do a lot of experiments and we get to use scientific equipment. I also like the trips we get to go on.
Kiala, Class Stephenson, Year 6